

Tan Jai Wellness Center


Massage is a way of life, not a luxury

Mind, Body and Spirit

Relax and Rejuvenate

Indulge in the feel good vibes

The importance of touch

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Benfits of massage

Touch is essential to the development of babies for their physical, emotional and potentially social health. In fact, touch is the first of the five senses to develop. The need for positive touch, the connection and reassurance that touch brings is literally in our DNA

About us

Thank you very much for visiting our site. It is our pleasure to welcome you.

Take your time and explore the site. We offer a variety of services and techniques to help with pain and relaxation.

Our therapists are specialists in their field and treat each person individually, instead of just a 'regular' massage like the ones that larger organizations can receive.

It is a pleasure to see you

Be kind to yourself

We must show ourselves the same compassion we show others


Our policies


We're conveniently located an 8 minute walk from Mount Royal metro

click here to see our policies

As wellness experts, we take what we use on our bodies seriously. Over the past 10 years, we have developed natural products that work.

We look forward to seeing you